Friday, 10 January 2014

Mohabbat Subh Ka Sitara Hai - Episode 5: The Cuteness Begins

Up until now, we've seen that Rumaisa is this timid, naive, super innocent girl who lives with her Khala's family.  As Rumaisa is seen as "manhoos," she is made to do a lot of the household work and is treated as lesser than the rest of the family....though with "love," as the family uses Rumaisa's inheritance to their advantage.

When this drama first began, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of annoyance, wondering why Umera Ahmed would write such a story with such irritating characters.

Boy have I changed my mind.  Yes, initally, I felt a lot of deja-vu, as the storyline felt very similar to that of "Saari Bhool Humari Thi."  But now after 5 episodes, this drama has come in to its own!

Episode 5 showed Nabeel's interest in Rumaisa, who works as his secretary.  Rumaisa is wary of Nabeel, as she believes he's a womanizer, drunkark and incorrigible flirt (courtesy her jealous co-worker).  However, Nabeel does not let this deter him and instead finds that her opinion of him is endearing, as it shows her innocence.

In this episode the highlights were the following: We saw Nabeel take Rumaisa out for lunch, which made for a very cute scene.  We also saw Nabeel declare to his family that he had met the girl he wanted to marry and they were to go to her house with him and ask for her hand in marriage.  Of course, his family proceeded to reel from anger at the thought of Nabeel marrying his secretary.

Mekaal is doing a great job as Nabeel.  Sanam's "innocent" portrayal of Rumaisa sometimes feels cold and distant.  She needs to up her game a little as an actress.  Adeel's doing well in his role so far, shining in his bonding scenes with Mekaal.  The boys share good chemistry as brothers.

Overall, MSKSH is progressing beautifully.  The build up was a bit slow, but here's to hoping for good things to come!

Happy watching!

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