Saturday, 29 March 2014

Kabhi Kabhi: HALLELUJAH!

Yes!  THE END!  This terrible, torturous, no good drama with super unlikable characters has finally ENDED.

There is little I want to say about this drama, because honestly, I want to forget it ever existed.  Yet, here I am.

This drama started off beautifully.  I was really excited about it, really loved Ahsan & Mehwish's chemistry (as always), loved how their love story was so natural and progressed realistically.  When I look back, I honestly can't believe this drama went so wrong.  How did it go so wrong?

Wait.  That's right.  Sunny.  Faris Shafi.  Don't get me wrong - I like Faris Shafi.  He's been amazing in some dramas, namely Man Jali, which I absolutely loved and loved him in.  I won't lie - It doesn't help that "Muskura" released recently and has made me doubt Faris' sanity.  If you've missed out on that gem, go ahead and google it.

However, this role was not only written poorly, Faris was also poorly cast in a role that was too suave, sophisticated, angsty and confused for him to portray convincingly.  I assume that's what we were supposed to take away from that role, but I didn't feel any of that.  I just felt like he was a weird, confused, messed up guy.  I'm not sure what on earth Ishaal (Mehwish) saw in him.  I also don't understand why she defended him.  She claims that she troubled him a lot, but from the perspective of the audience, we saw him treat her with suspicion and stop her from meeting her family from the first day of their marriage.  We were either missing something or the writers were confused.

Let's come back to Araiz.  Why was he suddenly so against Ishaal once he realized she was not in the right frame of mind?  Alright, their son was neglected and raised to be batameez.  That's a good reason.  But he was almost heartless towards her condition.

And wait.  Let's take a moment to go back - WHY was their son raised to be so batameez?  I STILL don't understand why Ishaal was on those sleeping pills, why she was always going to parties and completely IGNORING her son?  Was there any excuse?  No?  Then why was she so dismayed when Araiz took Ali away from her?  Of course he would!

The emotions in this drama were just all over the place!  Araiz never apologized to Ishaal for believing his family over her.  Ishaal never apologized for being a total jerk to Araiz.  Ishaal and Araiz never discussed that all their misunderstandings were just that - misunderstandings, created by her father.

Why did her father randomly pick up and start building schools for children?  What made him stop meddling?  Why did he suddenly begin to approve of Araiz?

Why was Rehbar suddenly so good to his wife?  Why was he suddenly so critical of Araiz?  Why did he consistently stop Araiz from trying to speak to and reconcile with Ishaal?

HONESTLY, this show did not make sense in ANY way, shape or form.  None of it.

A HAPPY ENDING.  How does that even happen?  Soni is still in that house!  Given, Amma is now on Ishaal's side, but her evil daughter is still there to steal, gossip and make trouble.  Where was the discussion on how SHE was 75% responsible for everything bad in Araiz and Ishaal's life?

I don't know.  There are some dramas that lose the picture so badly that you don't care about them anymore.  This drama fell into that category.  I was eagerly awaiting the day when I could just stop watching it.  And that day has finally come.


Happy watching!

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