Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Pyaray Afzal - Episode 33

This will be brief.

Episode 33 was an episode of mangnis.  While on one end, Afzal got engaged to Yasmeen (yay!), on the other end, Farah's engagement was brought to a halt when Maulvi Sahab had a heart attack on the stage.

With Maulvi SubhanAllah in the hospital, this news couldn't be contained for long and Afzal rushed over as soon as he heard.  We then got to witness a brief encounter between Farah & Yasmeen, a heartfelt encounter between Arifa & Afzal and the beginning of a reunion between Afzal & Ruqaiyya.

These were the basic highlights of the episode.  And while these scenes were beautifully enacted, as a viewer, I am beginning to tire of the drawn-out nature of this show.  We're approaching episode 34 next week with no end in sight for the show.  Will episode 34 be the last episode?  Your guess is as good as mine.  What I do know is that the original path of 22-25 episodes per drama is the best path.  ARY has taken this route lately of extending their popular shows to 30 + episodes and this trend is starting to grate on my nerves.

Please, end this once-beautiful-now-prolonged show with dignity and allow it to live in our minds as a great show, rather than one that has been extended beyond reason.

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