Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A Rant on Bashar Momin - An Overly Glamorous Attrocity


That's the only way to describe this drama and the poor writing behind a genuinely evil, twisted character.

Rudaba has decided to commit to her marriage.  Seriously?  We see her smiling to herself after sharing 1-2 nice conversations with Bashar.  Um, what?

The audience here is being taken for a fool - and given, some of the members of this audience are fools, because they are buying into it.  I am no fool.  I won't forget the cruel way Bashar separated Buland and Rudaba for Tayyaba's gain.  I won't forget how rude and verbally abusive Bashar was to Rudaba.  I won't forget how he forcibly had his nikkah done with Rudaba.   I won't forget that Bashar laughed to himself at Rudaba's helplessness, waiting for him to take her home and saying he would divorce her.  I won't forget that Bashar raped Rudaba the night of their Rukhsati and then threw her out of the room.  And we definitely will not forget all the pushing, shoving, throat grabbing and all sorts of other abusive behavior Bashar has shown Rudaba post marriage.

And I'm sorry - but anyone who finds anything about this "love story" endearing is clearly forgetting all this......OR thinks something about all this horrific mess is romantic.

I've seen Bashar Momin being compared to Beauty and The Beast.  This is not the story of beauty and the beast.  The beast roared.  The beast was stuck in his own misery.  BUT the Beast was never vicious.  The beast didn't have any HORRIBLE qualities.  He never physically hurt Belle.  Rather, he became a good human being because of her and discovered true love.  Let's not INSULT that beautiful story by comparing it to Bashar Momin.

I'm rather disgusted with the writers of this show, now trying to show Bashar becoming "soft."  However, after Bashar spills his guts to Rudaba about his past, his sister, mother and father......he then GRABS Rudaba by the THROAT and THREATENS her if Buland ever so much as looks her way.  UM......how.....romantic?  Well yes, only if "romantic" is a replacement word for "psychopath."

Friends, let's not glamorize abuse and mental illness.  That's what's being shown here.  And in the form of Rudaba, we're now seeing a smart, confident, sweet girl turning into the victim of a sick, abusive relationship....and she's clearly HAPPY about it.

This scenario is messed up on so many levels. But do you know what's the worst part?  I am POSITIVE the writing and production team actually think they're presenting a beautiful love story.  There's nothing beautiful about this.  This is just another way for our society to fill the minds of girls with crap and teach them that this is appropriate behavior.  Why?  Because Bashar has been through SO much.  AWWWWW.  Rudaba will get through his hard heart and soften him up.  SPARE US ALL.

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