Sunday, 15 February 2015

Preview of Barefoot to Goa

Genre: Social / Humanitarian Drama
Director: Praveen Morchhale
Producer: Praveen Morchhale, Satyajit Chourasia
Cast: Farrukh Jaffar (Grandmother), Saara Nahar (Small Girl Diya), Prakhar Morchhale (Brother Prakhar), Ajay Chourey (Typist), Purva Parag (Mother), Kuldeep Dubey (Father), Sharad (Biker), Guarav Patel (Police Officer), Pankaj Mali (Farmer), Sangita Mali (Farmer’s wife), Rajendra Bhatia (Truck Driver), Arvind (Tempo Driver)
Screenplay: Praveen Morchhale
Music Composed by: Jack Francis, Farrukh Jaffar, Rohit Sharma
Banner: Barefoot Pictures
Duration: 80 minutes
Language: Hindi

Release Date: 10thApril, 2015 (Showcased at various film festivals worldwide, mentioned later in this preview)

Farrukh Jaffar
Barefoot to Goa would definitely give one a reason to think. We are living in a world, where relationships are turning to be just a formality. The concept of family has evolved (or de-evolved) from big joint families to nuclear families to ‘nano families’. Relationships are suffering in this fast paced society. Gone are the days, where a family used to sit together to have meals. We idolize ‘values’, but are we actually living any of those ‘family values’? I think, these days, it is the story of most of the households, where the aging parents have become a liability, the beautiful relationships between storytelling grandparents and grandchildren are somewhere lost in the hustle bustle of complexities of life.

A Still from Barefoot to Goa
Barefoot to Goa is the story of two siblings (school kids), who run away from their house to meet their ailing (and abandoned) grandmother and start their road trip from Mumbai to Goa to get her back. It explores the nuances of loneliness. Its subject is both the futility of life and the pointlessness of death. It also celebrates the innocence of the young, mocks the indifference of the adults. It also portrays the children’s experience of urban life versus rural life, the different mindsets, perceptions of people. Reviewers who have seen this movie at various festivals say that this heart-wrenching story has been conveyed in minimal words, which definitely creates a strong impact. It is a mourning of the death of values and beliefs without being mournful. It is a bright film about sadness. 

Barefoot to Goa is releasing on 10thApril, 2015. The best part about release of this indie film (a film by independent filmmaker) is that lot of Proud Funders (240 people) have contributed fund through its Proud Funding Campaign so that this movie reaches the theater. I am sure, this is going to be a meaningful movie with strong social message. Please block your calendar with its release date. 

Praveen Morchhale (Director)

What Praveen Morchhale (Director) has to say:
Barefoot to Goa is original view of today’s India with its contradictions. A kaleidoscope of modernity, economic expansion and traditions.

In today’s nuclear family era and race of materialistic achievements, aging parents are being ignores and they are assumed as burden. It might be due to the pressure of city life, space constraints and economic limitation. All these lead to the disintegration of the family and old age parents are left to fend on themselves at the fag end of their life.

Barefoot to Goa in Festivals Worldwide:
It has been invited to many national and international film festivals and continues travelling. The various festivals, where it participated are as mentioned below:

  • Mumbai Film Festival : International Competition Section, October 2013,
  • Columbian International Film Festival, Bogota: International Completion Section, 2014
  • Chennai International Film Festival: Indian Panorama, December 2013
  • Peloponnesian International Film Festival, Greece : International Competition Section
  • Bengaluru International Film Festival: Indian Cinema Competition Section
  • Indian Film Festival of Melbourne: May 2014
  • London Indian Film Festival: July 2014
  • Indian Film Festival of Hague: October 2014
  • Indian Film Festival, Montreal: October 2014
  • CMS International Film Festival: May 2014

Official Trailor

Links to Media Coverage / Reviews: It has received wonderful reviews from all across the globe mainly because of its soulful subject. Many reputed world cinema critics are comparing it with well known films. Also, it is being considered by critics in the league of Lunchbox, Ship of Theseus etc.

  • Review by Hindustan Times – ex film critic Jugu Abraham on world cinema blog: “Movies that make you think”

  • A UK based magazine has listed “Barefoot to Goa” as one of the best indie films of 2014 from India along with Ugly, Qissa, Margarita with a straw, Citylights etc.

  • Review by Murtaza Ali – a film critic of world cinema: “Barefoot to Goa is the crowning jewel of this new avant-garde movement in Hindi”

  • Review in Hardnews Magazine

  • Review in a blog “Passion for Movies”

Do you want to become Proud Volunteer: In case, you feel intrigued with the theme of the movie, please be a proud Volunteer for Social Media Promotion Campaign for this movie.

Barefoot’s offer to Proud Volunteer:
  • You may promote this movie on social media by posting, sharing and making comments on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, and engage and invite the people and friends for these two months period. Barefoot expects their posting on social media be further shared by you.
  • You can independently post in various FB groups about this movie / trailer / posting.
  • Barefoot can create FB group for your city for the film and invite people.
  • Inspire your friends and people to be volunteer for the film.
  • You can share with Barefoot any interesting innovative online activity / idea of yours.
  • Barefoot aims to make people aware online, promote the film, and inspire people to go and watch it in theaters when it releases in April 2015.

Rewards for being the Proud Volunteer:
  • Special Invitation to you (maximum 2 tickets) for film’s special screening in your city
  • Barefoot will ‘shout’ your name with a photo (banner) on FB / Twitter / its website as “Proud Volunteer for Social Media Promotion” (You may visit to understand how they have shouted about their proud funders before).
  • At the end of campaign, a souvenir and a letter for appreciation for being this film’s “Proud Volunteer”
  • Barefoot will provide you material / topics / posting everything ready to share / promote etc.

Barefoot wants film making, distribution and promotion / publicity participative. Visit their website

The few first steps:
If you feel inspired to be a Proud Volunteer or atleast promote the movie in any possible manner and henceforth create a new environment for good cinema, please do any or combination of the following:
Barefoot Pictures,
1604, Sejal Tower, Off Link Road,
Goregaon (W), Mumbai – 400104
Mobile: 09820240940

Come and be part of campaign of a meaningful and soulful movie. I am a Proud Volunteer for Social Media Promotion Campaign for the film Barefoot to Goa.

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