Thursday, 6 August 2015

Sarojini 6th August 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Maama walking out of house to confront Soumendra. Soumendra is seen coming towards home to apologize Sarojini. Maami stops Maama and asks him to control his anger and get back in. Soumendra’s friend stops him and says it is not right time to apologize Sarojini. Soumendra says he is right and he will apologize Sarojini in school personally. Maama gets back home and tells he was overreacting and asks Mayank to find out where Soumendra stays. Mayank says he will find out and even punish Soumendra.
Dushyanth calls his family ladies and asks what did they prepare in 3 days. Nirjhara gives him account. He asks then why doctor was telling daadaji ate sumptuous dinner. Daadi says doctor was lying as they did not have anything special at all to serve. Dushyanth asks them to go and says he will find out what happened in kitchen and if he finds any mistake, he will not spare all 3 of them.
At night, Dushyanth calls Nirjhara and shouts at her to serve dinner. She says there is no grocery at all. He says he gave grocery for 4 days and how can she finish it in 3 days, he does not know anything and just needs food. She says she has only ata/flour and no vegetables. He asks her to prepare rotis and serve salt/chilli/onion. She leaves to prepare rotis.
Soumendra calls Dushyanth who asks him to speak English. Soumendra says he is heart broken. Dushyanth asks why did not he keep it safe. Soumendra says his heart is not of glass and says he will not study as he principal scolded him. Dushyanth says he is constructing buildings at school for him and he does not want to study. Soumendra says he will not study and cuts call. He then thinks of telling sorry to Sarojini via poster and draws sorry on a cardboard sheet.

Sarojini looks at mirror and imagines Soumendra, how he rushed to hospital to save her, then gets conscious and thinks she is thinking about the one who made her life hell.
Dushyanth prays in the morning and asks her daughter to bless him by touching her feet. Daughter blesses him. He then walks out of pooja room and asks Nirjhara to prepare food. Nirjhara asks him to give grocery first. He walks towards store room while Nirjhara gets tensed. He gets Soumendra’s call, so he gives keys to Nirjhara and asks her to open it while he speaks to Soumendra and join her. Nirjhara happily takes keys and is about to open lock when opens without key due to stuffed dough by Sapna. She thanks god for saving her and even Sapna peeps from window and thanks god.
Dushyanth calls principal who says he was about to call him. Dushyanth cuts call asking principal to dial back. Principal calls and Dushyanth asks why is Dushyanth so sad. Principal says Soumendra has made his life hell, so he cannot keep him in school again. Dushyanth warns him. Principal says Soumendra hit teacher and issue is with management now, so he cannot do anything. Dushyanth then calls Soumendra who asks him not to worry as he will force Sarojini to forgive him and get him back in school.
Sarojini gets ready for school. Mayank says he will drop her as Soumendra may trouble her. She says he will not. Mayank says he is very cruel and may harm her, so she should go with him. she says she is not afraid of anyone and will go by bus. Mayank sas he will pick her from school in the evening though.
Sarojini travels in bus and sees Soumendra holding Sorry cardboard sheet on road. People talk that he must be some deceived lover.
Precap: Sarojini teaches students in classroom when Soumendra peeps from window with sorry written on his face.

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