Sunday, 10 May 2015

Mumma: Angel of my Life

Me with my Mumma

Dearest Mumma,

Luv you Mumma!

Today, when I sit down to write a letter to you, I am choked with emotions. I want to let you know, how u have shaped my life, but I am not getting any words to express my feelings. Yes, Mumma, I know, only off late I have started expressing to you that how important you are to me, but I keep wondering, haven’t I taken you for granted for most of the earlier years. I never sat and expressed to you, how you made me what I am today. All those early years of my life, I never told you, what you meant to me. I know, if I start writing all those instances where you instilled in me the values of my life, this letter would be a never-ending one.

Mumma, do you remember, what I did when I was in 3rdStandard. You probably would have forgotten this as one of my mischievous activity, but I have never forgotten the same. Rather this incident drives one of my values of my life today.

I remember, I was so lazy to write. Papa used to make me sit and study. So, not knowing an answer to a question in examination never happened in childhood. It was 3rd Standard annual examination. During all the test papers, I felt too lazy to write the complete answers and just left all the answers incomplete. Since I knew all the answers, I narrated the answers to one of my friend Shobha sitting next to me.

After a month, when the results came, I was aghast and had no option other than pay the price for my laziness. I had scored hardly 35, 40, 45 on an average out of 100 in all the papers and Shobha stood at 3rdrank with 80, 85, 90 etc. I knew Mumma that you would scold me for the poor results of mine.

I took red ink pen from another friend of mine, and just corrected all the low marks and rewrote there 90, 95, 98 etc. and after doing the total, and wrote ‘First Rank’ there.
With my corrected mark-sheet, I came to you Mumma and you understood that I have lied to you. You asked me to accompany you to meet my class teacher, but I made excuses for not being able to come.

You and Bhaiya went to meet my Class teacher and got to know my actual marks. You know Mumma, when you went, what I did ? For the first time in my life, I did Pooja on my own and prayed to God that my class-teacher should validate my corrected marks. But, obviously, the truth had to come out.

And Mumma, you remember, when you came back, you did scold me. But you also said one thing: “You should not have lied, however bad marks you got.” I was just 7 year old, probably could not understand much at that point of time. When I grew up, I understood your message Mumma, you wanted to convey to me that It is absolutely alright to fail in life, but it is not good to be dishonest to one’s own conscience and to the loved ones.

You taught me one of the greatest lessons of my life. I have failed so many times in my life, had so many low points in life, but your lesson has stayed with me Mumma. I believe that success and failures are part of our lives. I believe in giving my best (unlike my childhood), and even if the results are not as per my expectations, I remember your lesson Mumma that I need to handle myself in failures as well. You taught me Mumma that I can never afford to be dishonest towards my own conscience. You also taught me that by accepting the failures gracefully and being ready to learn the lessons out of it would ultimately fetch me success.

This was just one incident Mumma, where you have influenced me and taught me. But there are so many incidences in life, where I have picked up so many things from you.
Thank you Mumma for making me what I am today. I know, I have never told you, let me tell you today: You are the angel of my life. I want to be born to you in every forthcoming lives. I am very selfish Mumma, I want you to be there always for me.

Happy Mother’s Day Mumma.

With loads of hugs, love and kisses,


I am writing a letter about how a mother teaches honesty to her child with the Max Life Insurance i-genius  #YoursHonestly activity in association with BlogAdda.

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